Thentix USA 

Healthy Skin makes everyone look better and feel better about themselves.

"I've used a hundred very expensive products from my doctor for my child's eczema and none of them really worked."
"The products I get from my doctor or pharmacist are so full of steroids and cortisone I'm worried about the long term effects."
"My husband won't use for his cracked hands because all lotions are too greasy."
(More here...) 

You can find out more about Thentix Here or
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Check out the blog for some healthy pointers about Thentix. 

We've recently added several blog posts/articles on how to boost your immune system with some data on what is good and what is bad for your immune system:

Drugs and your Immune System

Sauna, Steam and your Immune System

Exercise and Your Immune System

Natural Anti Virals: Page One & Page Two

8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

Dr Zach Bush and Your Immune System

You can subscribe as well, to the newsletter. (There should be a link to your right.)

One of our main products is a wonderful skin cream called Thentix 'A Touch of Honey'.

What is your skin problem?

You can purchase Thentix USA on this website if you are in the USA.

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In Canada you need Thentix go to

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Thanks for visiting.

  • Martin