Products, Information, Links

Newest Product: 
Thentix Revitalizing Face Cream 
with mānuka honey

Thentix 'A Touch of Honey' Information
Purchase Thentix USA
Purchase Thentix Canada
Thentix Testimonials

Thentix for:

(These are all situations where people have sent in testimonials having successfully used Thentix to help clear up)
Dry, itchy skin: Dry, cracked hands and feet
Eczema and Psoriasis
Burns: Sunburn, oven-burn; windburn
Shaving: Shave using Thentix; razor burn
Insect bites
Scars: stretch marks; operations
Varicose Veins; Hemorrhoids
Poison Ivy; poison oak
This link will take you to a list of numerous problems that Thentix will help with.
The page is on our Canadian website.