Horses, Alpacas, etc ... And Thentix 'A Touch of Honey' Early on when we were selling Thentix (almost 25 years now) someone at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto, Canada purchased the product and tried it on her Alpacas.  Her Alpacas were getting sunburned noses and this customer had been told that Thentix Skin Conditioner could successfully be used for sunburn on people.  So, why not try it on her animals.  And she did and
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Taking Care of Your Pets Dogs, cats horses and other other household pets suffer from a wide variety of skin care issues and Thentix A Touch of Honey Skin Conditioner can help. Non toxic and pet safe. Use on your pet for: Hair Loss Itching and  scratching: many dogs will scratch until they bleed.  Ingredients in Thentix such as calendula and camomile are anti inflammatory and will help calm the itching. Soft pad abrasions: Being
Energy Drinks And Soda A number of years ago a young fellow that I worked with told me that he was quite overweight when he was young.  He told me he would drink a couple of ‘Big Gulp’ drinks almost every day through high school.  He made a decision at one point to stop and lost 50 pounds without any other changes in diet or activity and in a very short period of time. These
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Two generations of packaged/processed food!  I was chatting with an acquaintance a few weeks ago at the lap pool in town.  She was my oldest son’s age (40+).  She told me that she started working out and changing her diet when she noticed that way too many friends her age were dying of diseases that would normally affect people in their 70s and 80s.  She observed from this: hers was the first generation to survive
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How do drugs affect your immune system? Long term and short term? The United States of America comes 37th on a list of healthiest countries in the world.  Behind many third world countries.  Per capita, the USA spends more than any other country in the world on Health Care.  What part do drugs play in this scenario? According to "America makes up about 5% of the world’s population – but accounts for approximately 27
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