
Boost Your Immune System

Boost Your Immune System

How to boost your immune system *

8 Ways to Boost Your Immune System

  1. Stress.

This is one of the biggest.  Mental stress, physical stress both can make a person more susceptible to or more prone to illness. Get enough rest.  Get some exercise.  Stop watching the news. If you absolutely have to watch or listen to or read the news, then limit yourself.  A constant barrage day after day from the media can make the best of us weep and be weary and think the worst of the world.  Turn off the news.


2. Sunlight and vitamin D.

Vitamin D helps build one’s immune system.  Some say that it acts more like a hormone in the way it handles the body and helps fortify it against various forms of disease. 

If you want the really technical stuff and can wade through a white paper you can read this article at The US Library of Medicine/National Institute of Health: Vitamin D and the Immune system 

If you want something a little more understandable check out this video on this page or read the article on Dr. Mercola’s website.  (Please note this may touch a nerve with some regarding vaccines. I’m not taking a stand either way on the subject of vaccines; I only am including this article link on the page to show the effectiveness of this Vitamin.)

“Dr. Joe Prendergast explains that vitamin D is likely more powerful than any vaccine you could take, as German researchers have found it increases your immune system by a factor of 3 to 5.”

And who doesn’t feel better when they get some sunshine!  Many parts of the world and in winter, no one is going to get enough sunlight.  And many people work inside at the important parts of the day.  I, personally, swear by Vitamin D.  I used to get sick every winter, feel down, with the ‘blahs’.  Years ago I started taking huge amounts of Vitamin D daily throughout the winter months and have not been sick at all since.  I no longer get ‘down’ or depressed during the short winter days and long winter nights.  Please though, check with your doctor so that you know you are taking enough but not too much. 

3. Exercise

There is a great article at on exercise and stress. 

“Exercise in almost any form can act as a stress reliever. Being active can boost your feel-good endorphins and distract you from daily worries.”

Lower your stress levels by exercising and you automatically boost your immune system. Something as simple as going for a walk.  Going for a walk or some sort of outdoor activity helps both physically and mentally.  First of all, it gets the blood flowing and muscles working the way they should and also gets a person’s attention outward.  And this is paramount.  Doing this activity while listening to the news or checking out Facebook kind of defeats the purpose.  Look around while you are walking, running, hiking or biking

4. Limit drugs, alcohol, tobacco.

This is pretty common knowledge; drugs, alcohol and tobacco use up nutrients in your body. Alcohol uses up B vitamins.  Marijuana uses up minerals such as magnesium (which is a calming mineral). Tobacco uses up Vitamins C.  They all use up certain amounts of B vitamins and minerals such as magnesium.  B vitamins are huge anti stress nutrients. Drugs and alcohol also affect the liver and stomach preventing proper metabolism of foods, so even if you are eating reasonably well, you may not be getting the proper nutrition into the cells.

From Journey Pure - a drug rehab organization

“It’s no secret that drug and alcohol addictions are also difficult on your body. However, what you may not realize is that addictions deplete essential vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function properly.”

5. Eat more healthy foods:  yogurt, vegetables.

Keep a balanced diet. Make sure that you are getting enough proteins. Lots of micronutrients in fruits and vegetables.  Yogurt: plain yogurt, without flavours or sugar added should be the best.  Sugars feed bad bacteria so if you are eating yogurt with sugar, and most flavored yogurt with have this, you are kind of neutralizing the effects of the bacteria cultures in the yogurt.  Add some honey if you want a bit of sweetness. 

Honey is also great because it will help kill off any bad bacteria internally. 

And remember, fatty foods don’t make you fat.  Good fats will fill you up and you won’t crave so much sugar and carbohydrates. Again, a balanced diet, with enough protein, carbs and fats. 

6. Vitamins. B vitamins are considered the stress vitamins.

Take your vitamins.  The trickiest thing with vitamins is getting the right balance for you.  Adele Davis talks about this in her books.  One can create deficiencies by taking too much of certain vitamins.  If they are not balanced properly.  There are some pretty knowledgeable people at your health food stores.  Some multi vitamins have every B vitamin at the same volume, 50 mg.  This may not be the best for you.  One can buy multi vitamins and multi B vitamins that are not 50mg of everything.  Ask at your health food store for something more appropriate.

Here is a good article that explains a bit more of what I’m talking about if you are interested: Dr Weil - B Vitamins.

7. Sugar and Processed Food

As much as possible stay away from sugars and processed food.  These are taking nutrients from the body instead of adding nutrients, causing more physical stress and predisposing one to more illness.

“Stress, sugars, and processed foods are a few of the other sources of strain on your body. Once you put all these together it is all your body's resources can do just to keep up. It is harder and harder to stay healthy.”  Healthy Life


As I mentioned earlier, good fats will fill you up so that your cravings for sugar and carbs will be a lot less. 

8. A few other things:

There are other things you can take to help support your immune system, things like garlic, various herbs, and mushrooms have a bazillion different micronutrients that are good for you.

* The above suggestions are just that, suggestions.  From my personal observations and experiences.  Although I have have added some decent references where I have been able to.

Article: Benefits of Honey

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Adelle Davis and Your Health

Adelle Davis and Your Health

Use Adelle Davis Books for Your Health

I became aware of Adelle Davis books in the late 1960s. Her books were a godsend.  I found that part of her philosophy was that each person could be different in nutritional needs.  One person may need a bit more or a lot more of a particular vitamin or mineral than someone else in the same family.  One could address causes of physical issues instead of just masking symptoms.  

I have copies of these books and have found them indispensable over the years.

Adelle Davis' Books

Let's Cook it Right (1947)

Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit (1954)

Let's Get Well (1965)

It often takes a bit of research when you have something wrong with your body but by taking the time, I have always been able to figure out what I was lacking and remedy it.  

Fat Free? 

I remember reading a section in one of her books back in the early 1970s about the relationship of fat and carbohydrates.  Along the lines of: "if you take the fat out of the diet, you will start to crave carbohydrates".  I’m pretty sure that someone in the corn or wheat industry read this and thought: ‘Let’s tell everyone how bad fat is for you and people will buy more of our corn and wheat products.”  So, next, was years and years of a campaign getting people to eschew fat in their diet.  And look, now the USA is one of the most unhealthy and overweight countries in the world.  

And most have now figured out that maybe fat is actually good for you.  Fat doesn’t make you fat!


Use these as reference books.  Most people are not going to necessarily read one of them front to back.  You may want to read a chapter or part of a chapter on a subject that interests you.  

Back in the 70s, I spent the time going through a number of chapters regarding something that I was having difficulty with.  In this research, using a couple of Davis’ books, I kept coming across one or two particular vitamins being mentioned as possibly being deficient.  I started reading through all mentions of these and discovered other ‘almost’ problems that I had not thought of to address.  I discovered these were a couple of vitamins that I needed more of than most people.  Normal multi vitamins did not have enough of certain ones; the balance wasn't correct, particularly for me.  Taking extra of these over a few weeks completely fixed what ailed me.  

Then there is Adelle Davis’s famous anti-stress formula.

“The antistress formula.  During acute illness, take with each meal, between each meal, before going to sleep and approximately every 3 hours during the night if awake, always fortified with milk […] to supply the necessary protein […], 500 milligrams of vitamin C, 100 milligrams of pantothenic acid, and at least 2milligrams each of vitamins B2 and B6.” P. 31 “Let’s Get Well” by Adelle Davis

Add to this her suggestion of either Brewer’s yeast or torula yeast.  Nasty tasting but full of a proper ration of B vitamins.  


Some may think that Adelle Davis was against drugs.  Not so much but: 

“Nutritional needs are increased.  Without exception, every drug is toxic to some extent; standard tests on materia medical state that all are potential poisons.  The toxicity of many can be “largely if not completely counteracted” by an adequate diet containing anti stress factors.  Such a diet shortens the period when drugs are needed and makes them more effective with interfering with their function, even making some 20 times more effective than when the diet is faulty.”  P. 32 “Let’s Get Well” by Adelle 

In fact, most people, when I mention Adelle Davis as a reference for health related issues, have never even heard of her.  And selling the Thentix at Home Shows and various other trade shows, I speak to a lot of people.  

Some great quotes by Adelle Davis at 

You will find detractors.  I’ve read a few and they are mostly what I call “misdirection”.  Pointing out something other than the veracity of her research.  Pretty much everything that Davis writes about is thoroughly referenced.  And she was all about ‘what works for you’.  I’m pretty sure that the detractors of Ms Davis are not interested in your health.  The bibliographies in her books are extensive.

Back in the 1960s, she was pretty disgusted with the North American diet.  And it has only gotten worse.  A lot worse. More and more people try and mask symptoms with various drugs.  Never taking the time or asking their doctor to help find the cause of some illness or difficulty.  Even some, so called mental issues, can be easily resolved with the correct nutrition, food and vitamin and minerals.  

Even an organization such as is known because it has helped thousands and thousands of people with mental issues, such as depression and Bipolar Disorders using only natural supplements.  

Adelle Davis would have been proud!!

I’m pretty sure most of her books are out of print but they are easy enough to find on Amazon: "Let's Get Well"



You may be able to find some copies out there somewhere digitally. Probably good to have for posterity but I’d advise getting a hard copy, a real book, as you are going to be flipping back and forth constantly.  Much harder to do this digitally.  For me anyway.  

And as we are selling a skin product on this site, you will find oodles of references on problems like eczema and psoriasis.  If you are prone to need out pain cream check out sections on ‘inflammation’ or ‘pain’.  Great references in the back of the book; you can look up pretty much anything. 

I’d love to put links to all of these things that I’ve mentioned above but no-one, as of yet, has gotten any of these books into a searchable database online.  If anyone knows of or finds such a thing, please, please let me know.  

Thanks and have a great day!

- Martin

Article: Boost Your Immune System

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7 Ways To Keep Your Skin Hydrated

7 Ways To Keep Your Skin Hydrated

7 Ways To Keep Your Skin Hydrated

1. Drink plenty of water.  This will vary depending on your activity level and other factors.  But if you are thirsty, you likely have gone past the point you should have had a glass of water.  Soda (Pop), coffee and energy drinks with caffeine are best to stay away from.  The majority of energy drinks have caffeine.  Check them before buying. 

Here also is a list of some of the worst energy drinks for caffeine from Consumer Reports: Energy Drink List

2. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

More and more people are realizing that healthy skin can come from internal health.  Find foods with omega-3 fatty acids.  Easier to do if you find foods that are as close to what you already eat or that you may eat already or maybe you can just eat a bit more. 

Eggs: most people will eat them at some point.  The yolks have the Omega-3 Fatty Acids.  If you like eating a breakfast, try having a couple of eggs.  For me this is one of the best foods.  I like a big breakfast which keeps me going for a good part of the day.  Not everyone does well like this though.

Avocado: Put in salads.  Here is a great recipe for a tomato and avocado salad

I’ve heard of people putting avocado in their smoothies, I tried this and thought it was horrible but you are welcome to try it!

Flax Seed:  Keep a bag in the refrigerator and use a coffee grinder (dedicated for your flax) and put a couple of tablespoons in your smoothie or sprinkle some on a salad.  

Chia seeds: if you prefer them, use the same way you would the Flax. 

Fish: Switch out your meat for salmon or halibut.  There are others you may prefer.  Easy to find: Best Fish for Omega-3

3. Diet - by ‘diet’, I don’t mean go on a diet but just change what you eat.  There are certain foods that will affect your skin.  Also, remember that every physiology is different so not everything works for everyone.  I know individuals that do very well on a vegetarian or vegan diet and others that, even when they are eating the healthiest of these foods, do not. 

Try and increase the quality of the food you eat.  Higher protein content.  Sugar and high glycemic foods produce minor inflammation in the body that results in the breaking down collagen.  Collagen is in part what keep your skin healthy.  Sugar and skin.

Cut out sodas, (diet sodas are no better) and sugary desserts. Bread gets converted to sugar very quickly so try and keep your consumption down on that.

One of the articles that I read said to cut out coffee and alcohol.  Not going to happen for many people.  But, you can have a glass of water, big or small, between each beer or glass of wine. 

4. Hot Showers or overly hot baths can often lead to dry skin.  Ease up a bit.  

5. Soap

Most soaps will dry the skin.  Use less or find soaps that have fewer drying agents in them.  Check your local health food store.  They may be a bit more expensive but you won’t mind if you skin is not always itchy.  For the itchy scalp, we carry a great shampoo that will not dry - it actually hydrates.  The ingredients of most shampoos will dry the skin which can exacerbate things like dandruff and eczema or psoriasis on the scalp.  

Some people can get away without using much soap at all.  Most would be a lot healthier using much less soap.  One does not need to lather up the body daily.  Of course, use soap on your armpits and groin, ‘your bits and pieces’ but by soaping up your whole body every day you are washing off bacteria on your skin that keeps you healthy.  There is a lot more on this here: Should I Use Soap?

A lot of folks will have a hard time getting used to this, I know I did, but it is worth testing it out for a couple of weeks. 
If you have to use soaps and shampoos, try and find something with honey and calendula and aloe vera as these will hydrate the skin instead of drying it.  As much as possible, try and keep away with products that have laurel sulphates and phosphates.  

6. Lotions that are Humectants

When you are using lotion, find one that is a humectant.  The word ‘humectant’ means something that absorbs and retains moisture.  A lot of lotions sit on top of the skin, clogging the pores.  Many actually have ingredients that dry the skin.  You will find with these that you are having to apply constantly throughout the day.  Or every time that you wash your hands.  Honey and calendula, a couple of ingredients in Thentix ‘A Touch of Honey’ are both humectants.  Ingredients like this penetrate the skin and absorb moisture keeping it hydrated throughout the day.  Even when you wash your hands.  

7. Stress

Stress can causes spikes in insulin which affect the skin.  Could be why the horribleness of High School and Acne happen at the same time.  Stress can be physical, mental/spiritual.  A change of environment can always be good.  Get toxic people out of your environment.  

TimeThentix 4oz Tube

Some of the ideas mentioned here will take a little time getting used to.  Cutting out or down on sugar or energy drinks or coffee can be extremely difficult.  You may have to take some extra B vitamins to get through it.  There are some good Naturopaths that can help guide you through it if need be.  

I’ve known mixed reactions on the ‘no soap’ thing.  Some just cannot handle the different feeling on the skin. Give it more than a few days.

I get teens asking me if Thentix will help with Acne.  I tell them ‘yes’ but it can’t compete with six pizzas and five chocolate bars a week.  This goes for many skin conditions and solutions.  Sometimes you have to address the cause not just the symptoms.  

With winter coming, check out Thentix.  The small 2 ounce or 4 ounce tubes make great stocking stuffers for Christmas.  More here.


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Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

Seborrhoeic Dermatitis

What is seborrhoeic dermatitis? 

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is simply a type of skin inflammation. Common with a newborn it manifests as cradle cap. It is also seen on adults as flaky, white or yellowish scales often on the scalp – causing dandruff or in other oily areas of the upper body: in the ear, inside of elbow or around the eyes. Also can show up on the chest, face and back. Sometimes as rash on the face. It is sometimes referred to as seborrhea.

It is thought to be caused by a fungus that resides in sebum oil (from the sebaceous gland –

Wikipedia defintion: The sebaceous glands are microscopic glands in the skin that secrete an oily/waxy matter, called sebum, to lubricate and waterproof the skin and hair of mammals. In humans, they are found in greatest abundance on the face and scalp.)

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is not contagious. This fungus, much like a bacteria or virus that can be in anyone’s body, will be in the sebum oil of many people but not everyone reacts to it by getting a rash. Those who react, get skin inflammation or things like seborrhoeic dandruff as mentioned above.  And like psoriasis or eczema, stress can be a factor so weakened immune systems can exacerbate it.


The fungus that causes Seborrhoeic dermatitis or things like seborrhoeic eczema resides in the sebum oil. The areas mostly affected are the head: scalp, ears, eyes and around the nose. But other areas of the upper body are affected also. The center of the chest and sometimes the back.

To varying degrees there can be skin lesions, plaques(red scaly patches), white or yellowish flaking skin (dandruff), itching, mild redness and hair loss. Sometimes just dry skin patches.

Cause of Seborrheic(Seborrhoeic) dermatitis: 

The presence of the fungus is obvious.. Stress, fatigue and weather extremes can set it off. Also, oily skin or not shampooing or washing the skin enough. Caution here as washing too much can have detrimental effects also. The purpose of the sebum oil is lubricate, waterproof/protect the skin. So, balance as in all things is necessary. Some will try and moisturize the skin after washing and the alcohols can sometimes set it off. Overuse of sanitizers can have a similar effect. Skin disorders such as acne can also set it off and often obesity may increase the risk.

Cradle cap which is a form of of seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious and is not caused by poor hygiene. It usually clears up on its own. Wash with a very mild soap and apply Thentix ‘A Touch of Honey’. At any time there is itchyness small amount of Thentix on to alleviate.


In extreme cases medicated shampoos or creams are necessary. Many of these, such as cortisone and steroid products have their own detrimental long term effects so trying something more natural is always a safe bet. Dandruff home remedies without laurel sulphates are definitely beneficial. Cleaning the affected areas regularly keeps the fungus from irritating the skin. One should also work on boosting immune system. Cut down on sugars, sodas and the like.

Using Thentix for seborrheic dermatitis:

Honey and calendula oil, two of the ingredients, both have anti-fungal properties. Other ingredients in Thentix help hydrate the skin without making it oily. Some products like tar cream can be nasty to use where Thentix goes right into the skin. Thentix was partly developed for more serious skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema and for this has anti inflammatory ingredients (chamomile and calendula are a couple) so is excellent for handling itchiness. Apply a small amount and itchiness should go away quite quickly.

Another benefit is that Thentix has no petroleum product fillers. Because of this it will not clog pores. It will allow the skin to breathe. Many products one uses for this skin problem will sit on and coat the skin. They can look unsightly and feel uncomfortable. Thentix, once applied goes right in and does its work without a lot of ‘advertising’.

With moderate to severe cases of seborrheic dermatitis we recommend applying Thentix a few times a day until the skin becomes soft again. Sometimes this can take a few weeks. One should feel relief from any itching fairly quickly and then some steady improvement from redness and the flakyness.

Using Thentix on the scalp:

Applying to the scalp will not make the hair greasy at all. (I have known people to occasionally use Thentix as a hair conditioner.) Work into the scalp 2-4 times a day as a dandruff treatment until any scalyness has cleared up. At that point you may want to use once a day as maintenance.

Get great relief from Seborrhoeic Dermatitis with Thentix 'A Touch of Honey' Purchase here 

#SeborrhoeicDermatitis #skin #Thentix

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Cause of Allergies

Cause of Allergies

What is the Real Cause of Allergic Reactions

I met a young lady the other day at the Season’s Christmas Show in Mississauga that was having real problems with allergies and not just seasonal allergies.  Each year, she said, she seemed to have a new allergic reaction to something or other.  And strange ones.  Oft times she would get some weird allergy that was obviously not hereditary as neither of her parents were particularly allergy prone.

In the 50s and 60s, a peanut allergy was pretty much unheard of and in general things like food allergies were not such a big deal.  I’ve known for some years that peanut allergies were largely created by the over use of antibiotics.  So, I thought I would try to see if I could find something definitive for allergies today in general, as to cause.

There are numerous theories.  Some make quite a bit of sense to me and others not so much.  Some researchers, I think, ignore important data and some researchers get far too complex.  Maybe they want to keep their research grants going…!

Dr. Erika von Mutius

There is a doctor in Germany that has observed that children growing up on farms have fewer common food allergies that city kids.  This study of food intolerance has been going on in various ways for 20 plus years. They are still trying to figure it all out.

There is a very extensive article about this study, which I really liked, here:

“came from a school doctor in a Swiss village. He noticed that farm children under his care, unlike other kids, never seemed to get hay fever.”

The findings have been generally consistent – about 1 to 2 per cent of the farm children in the studies had asthma compared to 12 per cent of local, non-farm children in control groups. - Dr. Erika von Mutius”

Another quote from this article shows exposure to other children also lessened the incidence of allergies:

“Children in the larger families were being exposed to more germs. It fit with this rudimentary hygiene hypothesis.
“It took off from there,” says von Mutius.”

Another theory that I came across is that the cause is the increase of carbon dioxide due to global warming.  I discount this for any number of reasons (poor science being the main one) and also because there isn’t much anyone can do short term to fix this with regard to allergies.  And as there seem to be solutions that work with respect to some other theories, well, it just don’t hold up.

This short article shows a direct link between antibiotics, gut flora and allergies:

New Jersey Allergy Doctors Blog  (site temporarily down)

I came across a couple of articles a few years ago that linked the overuse of antibiotics to a peanut allergy.  The antibiotics killed certain bacteria in the stomach that were needed to process certain proteins in peanuts.  As a result the body could not metabolize them but instead reacted and treats this protein as an allergen.  I haven’t found yet that specific article but here is a quote from another site: 

"Dr. Martin Blaser, a microbiologist and professor at New York University, is working tirelessly on groundbreaking research into this dramatic spike in food allergies. His hypothesis is that exposure to antibiotics early in life is diminishing positive gut bacteria and thus weakening children’s immune systems, making them more susceptible to allergies.”  Overuse of Antibiotics

And more from Dr. Blaser here:

“This microbiome is vital to our immunity against disease. Recent research shows the micrbiome* is disappearing.”

“The loss of our bodies microbial diversity is owed the overuse of antibiotics in both humans and animals and the widespread use of antiseptics, sanitizers and Cesarian sections.”  Overuse of Antibiotics

(*microbiome: a community of microorganisms (such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses) that inhabit a particular environment and especially the collection of microorganisms living in or on the human body)

Eating Dairy

Extrapolate from this that if you are eating dairy, or eating meat that is not from farms that are antibiotic free, you will be getting them into your system nonetheless.  

I find that researchers often look in too narrow a field.  Having their own area of research, they neglect or fail to take in to account pertinent data from another’s research.   I’m not sure if this intentional because they want their own research to go on forever or because of grants, or for their own credibility or some kind of self importance.  As if it would be a bad thing to ‘borrow’ from someone else’s ideas or research.  

I have not read Dr. Blaser’s book and have not read detailed research by Dr. Erika von Mutius.  But… if one takes a step back and tries his or her best to not get too terribly complicated, one could surmise certain things from the above data.  

Research and Evidence

1. Big families have fewer issues with allergic reaction and sickness.

2. Farm children statistically are much more resistant to seasonal allergies, food allergies and sickness in general.

3. Overuse of antibiotics can compromise immune systems and destroy ‘good’ bacteria as well as ‘bad’ bacteria.

Another point, and this is completely unscientific and just my own observation over the years: for about 10 years I was in a small independent grocery store.  Being near the front door of the store I could see that the customers who went directly for the sanitizer were often the least healthy.  Cause/effect, or coincidental I don’t know.  But my observation is that a majority of people that are ‘germaphobic’ are the ones that have the hardest time with illness and common food allergies.  They are sick the most.  Again, cause/effect or conincedence.  Are they that way because they over use sanitizers and they are not getting proper exposure to environmental bacteria?  Or, are they using sanitizers and being overly careful because they are already in a bad way?  

I don’t feel that someone should be careless, dirty and slovenly.  Those that are sick should, in general, be isolated from the healthy.  But one of the best ways for one’s body to build up antibodies is to be exposed to various bacteria.  

The farm kids were around sick animals constantly.  Yet, they remained healthy.  I know moms that would cringe seeing these kids in an environment like that.

How to fix this?

So, what can an individual do to fix this?  Here are some of my suggestions.  (Also, it is OK to do your own research on this.)

  1. Find some sort of natural sanitizer.  Most of the commercial ones are very destructive.  Find something with honey (antibacterial) and calendula (antiseptic).  There are other ‘natural’ ways to ‘sanitize’, just do your research.  Don’t use disinfectant soaps.
  2. Buy meat products that are from farms that do not feed their animals antibiotics.  Much easier to find these days.  Although, if you drink a lot of milk, that may be a little more difficult to find.
  3. Let your children play in the dirt.  And play in the dirt with them.  

I don’t think there is a quick fix necessarily for those already with severe or not so severe allergic reactions but like anything, doing little bits can gradually make a difference.  And as more and more people change their buying habits and stop over sanitizing maybe we can come off that nose dive into a completely unhealthy society.  Maybe we can slow down and prevent some of these common food allergies, environmental and seasonal allergies.

Article: Honey


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